1. Subject matter

These Terms of Use (hereinafter, the “Terms of Use“) regulate the access and use of the game “LAND OF GOALS” (hereinafter, the “Game“), whose responsible entity is LaLiga Entertainment, S.L. (hereinafter, “LaLiga Entertainment“), with tax identification number B-42958694 and registered office at Calle Torrelaguna 60, 28043 Madrid, and which is accessible by downloading it through the authorised download sites. Access and use of the Game by the user is free of charge, with the option of registration and prior acceptance of these Terms of Use and its Privacy Policy.

2. Terms of Use of the Game

These Terms of Use govern access to and use of the Game.

LaLiga Entertainment may establish, where appropriate, specific conditions regulating the use and/or contracting of specific services or products offered through the sales channels.

Simple access to the Game confers the status of user upon the person who does so (hereinafter, the “User“) and implies acceptance of all the terms included in these Terms of Use. 

By accepting these Terms of Use, you, the User declare:

  • That you have read, understand and comprehend the above.
  • That, in the event that you intend to contract any product and/or service, you have sufficient capacity to do so.
  • That you assume all of the obligations set forth herein.

This Game has been developed to be used on mobile devices with iOS and Android OS operating systems, with LaLiga Entertainment being able to carry out regular updates.

2.1. Description of the Game

The Game provides a “gamification” experience based on the Spanish football league competition which aims to allow players to play against their opponents in order to gain game skills and improve their skills.

2.2. Acceptance of the Terms of Use (hereinafter the “Terms”). 

The User undertakes to use the Game, as well as its content, in a diligent, correct and lawful manner, in accordance with the Law, these Terms of Use, and other notices, regulations of use and instructions made known to them, as well as with generally accepted morals and good customs and public order and, in particular, undertakes to abstain from (a) using the Game in a manner, for purposes or with effects contrary to the Law, generally accepted morals and good customs or public order; (b) reproduce or copy, distribute, allow public access through any form of public communication, transform or modify the contents of the Game, unless you have the authorisation of the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted; (c) delete, evade or manipulate the copyright and other identifying data of the Game.

It is forbidden to carry out any type of advertising or commercial information directly or covertly, or to send mass mailings (‘spamming’) without due authorisation.

The User undertakes not to introduce programmes, viruses, macros, applets, ActiveX controls or any other logical device or sequence of characters which cause or are likely to cause any type of alteration in the computer systems of LaLiga Entertainment or third parties.

2.3. Minimum age

In order to access the Game, the User must be at least sixteen (16) years old or have the authorisation of their parents and/or legal guardians. Therefore, by accepting these Terms of Use, you, the User guarantee that you are over sixteen (16) years of age or, if not, that you have the aforementioned parental authorisation to register for the Game and take full responsibility for this declaration.

LaLiga Entertainment may contact Users at any time in order for them to duly prove their age and identity.

In order to prove age and identity, the User must provide a photocopy of their National Identity Card or equivalent identification document. Failure to provide this documentation may result in LaLiga Entertainment blocking the User’s access to the Game.

2.4. Misuse of the Game 

The User undertakes to make appropriate use of the Game, the Materials (as defined in section 2.5 of the Terms of Use) and the Content which can be accessed through the Game, and (i) not to use them for illegal activities or activities which are contrary to good faith and legal order; (ii) not to disseminate content or propaganda which is racist, xenophobic, pornographic, supports terrorism or constitutes an attack on human rights; (iii) not to cause damage to the physical and computer systems of LaLiga Entertainment or its suppliers, nor to introduce or disseminate computer viruses or any other physical or computer systems which may be susceptible to causing the aforementioned damage.

2.5. Other content

The Game Content (the “Materials“) shall be owned by or licensed to LaLiga Entertainment and shall be subject to copyright, trademark and other intellectual and industrial property rights of LaLiga Entertainment or LaLiga Entertainment’s licensors. All trademarks and service marks of other third parties contained in the Materials shall be the trademarks and service marks of their respective owners.

Such Materials may not be downloaded, copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, broadcast, displayed, sold, licensed or otherwise exploited for any purpose without the prior written consent of LaLiga Entertainment, or LaLiga Entertainment’s licensors, if applicable. LaLiga Entertainment and its licensors reserve all rights not expressly granted with respect to their Materials.

2.6. Provision of User Content by the User: licensing and warranties

In the event that the functionality of the Game allows User Content to be made available by the User (User Content being understood as the following: opinions, observations, comments, graphical material, photographs, links, questions, suggestions, information, videos, audio and other material which the User sends to the Game or communicates using the Game), the User is free to make this available, providing LaLiga Entertainment with the information required, where applicable, in relation to the origin and ownership of the User Content and the procedure by which the User obtained it. This information must be truthful and verifiable in the event that LaLiga Entertainment so requires.

LaLiga Entertainment will decide freely and without any obligation on its part which User Content is to be made available to the public via the Game. In the event that LaLiga Entertainment enables the possibility of accessing User Content made available through the Game by Users, Users declare that they are aware and accept that, once the User Content has been made available to other Users of the Game, it will be made available to third parties worldwide, and therefore expressly exempt LaLiga Entertainment and any third party collaborating with LaLiga Entertainment in the development of the Game from liability for any claims arising from this.

2.7. Advertising

The User acknowledges and accepts that advertising may appear in the Game and that, therefore, the User may access advertising from LaLiga Entertainment and/or third-party companies or professionals that contract with LaLiga Entertainment.

2.8. Registration: login and password 

In order to be able to use and enjoy the Game, you may register through the social networks of which you are a user to register for the Game, for which purpose the social network you use will provide your email address to LaLiga Entertainment. In addition, the social network which you choose may share additional information about your profile on these social networks only with LaLiga Entertainment.

Data shared through Google:

-Name and surname (Required for registration)

-E-mail address (Required for registration)

Data shared through Apple: 

-Apple ID or email (Required for registration) 

-Name (Required for registration) 

With respect to registration through Google or Apple, we inform you that LaLiga Entertainment is not responsible for the legal suitability of the social network you use for the purposes set out above. For this reason, we recommend that you review the terms of use and privacy policy of the social networks you are going to use for these purposes so that you can verify that the processing of your personal data is in accordance with your expectations of privacy and the data protection regulations applicable in each case.

Once the data has been imported and incorporated into your registered user account, your data will be processed by LaLiga Entertainment for the purposes described in the Privacy Policy.

  • Game content by Pre-Registration

MVP Starter pack:
-Sports Club set: Wool Hat item (x20 collectables), Emerald Hoodie item (x20 collectables), Pink Sport Tights item (x20 collectables) and Bunny Shoes (x20 collectables)
-Tang Suit set: Tang Suit item (x10 collectables) and Tang Pants item (x10 collectables)
-1100 Game Coins pack
-40 Game Gems pack

Rules to get the reward:
-Pre-register with Apple or Android account 
-The player will automatically receive the reward when they start the game for the first time after completing the tutorial. The reward will be shown by using the Reward Screen

2.9. Virtual Coins 

The Game may include virtual coins (“Virtual Coins“) or items or services for use with the Game (“Virtual Items“). In order to use or enjoy Virtual Coins and/or Virtual Items in the Game, the User may be required to obtain a certain level or to progress to a certain point. In this regard, the User agrees that, once acquired, Virtual Coins and Virtual Items have no monetary value and cannot be exchanged for real money, real items or real services by LaLiga Entertainment or anyone else. The User agrees that the Virtual Coins and/or Virtual Items are not transferable to anyone else, and that the User will not transfer or attempt to transfer the Virtual Coins or Virtual Items to anyone else.

2.10. Paid content 

The Game may include paid content which allows the User to access new features or enhancements within the Game. 

The content of the Game which is paid content may vary at the sole discretion of LaLiga Entertainment. 

For access to this content, the User must pay the amounts indicated in the Game itself and in accordance with the pricing policy communicated by the Game.

LaLiga Entertainment reserves the right to increase the price of such Game content due to changes in market conditions, significant increases in the costs of acquiring or providing the service or in the case of VAT or any other similar tax. Any price increase will be implemented at the earliest thirty (30) days after notifying you by email via your most recently registered email address.

Likewise, you, the User are informed that from the moment you are able to enjoy the content stipulated in this point, you will not be able to exercise your right of withdrawal.

3. Acceptance of the Terms of Use

The User undertakes to use the content offered in the Game (“Content“) in a diligent, correct and lawful manner and, in particular, undertakes to refrain from (a) using the Content in a manner, for purposes or with effects contrary to the law, morality and generally accepted good customs or public order; (b) reproduce or copy, distribute, allow public access through any form of public communication, transform or modify the content, unless authorised by the holder of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted; (c) delete, evade or manipulate the copyright and other identifying data.

The use of the Game by a third party confers the status of User and implies full acceptance by said user of each and every one of the conditions included in these Terms of Use.

4. Liability regime

4.1. Liability for the use of the Game 

The User is solely responsible for any infringements which may be incurred or damages which may be caused by the use of the Game, and LaLiga Entertainment, its group companies, collaborators, employees and representatives are exonerated from any kind of liability which may arise from the User’s actions.

LaLiga Entertainment will make all reasonable efforts and means to provide up-to-date and accurate information in the Game. However, LaLiga Entertainment does not assume any warranty in relation to the absence of errors, or possible inaccuracies and/or omissions in any of the Content accessible through this Game. 

In this regard, LaLiga Entertainment is not responsible for the suitability of the content displayed in the Game, for any purpose whatsoever. No Content in the Game implies, suggests or constitutes in any way a form of sponsorship or endorsement of the content or service displayed, or any form of association between the third party in question and LaLiga Entertainment. All content and other information provided by LaLiga Entertainment is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. LaLiga Entertainment disclaims any warranty or obligation that this Game, its servers or any e-mailsent by LaLiga Entertainment is free of viruses or other harmful components. LaLiga Entertainment hereby disclaims any warranty or obligation with regard to any Content or any other information provided in the Game, including all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and legal fitness.

Any third-party content displayed in the Game is independent from LaLiga Entertainment and said third parties are not agents or employees of LaLiga Entertainment. LaLiga Entertainment is not responsible for the actions, errors, omissions, representations, warranties, breaches or negligence of any of them, including any damages, death, property damage or other harm or expenses arising therefrom. 

The User is solely liable for any claims or legal action, judicial or extrajudicial, brought by third parties against LaLiga Entertainment or third-party collaborators and based on the User’s use of the Game. Where applicable, the User shall bear all expenses, costs and indemnities incurred by LaLiga Entertainment as a result of such claims or legal action.

4.2. Liability for the operation of the Game 

LaLiga Entertainment excludes all liability which may arise from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone faults or disconnections in the operation of the electronic system, due to causes beyond the control of LaLiga Entertainment.

Likewise, LaLiga Entertainment also excludes any liability which may arise from delays or blockages in the operation of this electronic system caused by deficiencies or overloading of telephone lines or the internet, as well as damage caused by third parties through unlawful interference beyond the control of LaLiga Entertainment.

LaLiga Entertainment is entitled to temporarily suspend, without prior notice, access to the Game for maintenance, repairs, upgrades or improvements.

In the event that the Game contains links to other portals or sites not managed by LaLiga Entertainment, LaLiga Entertainment declares that it has no control over such sites and is not responsible for their content. The links which this Game may contain are offered as informative references, without any type of assessment of the content, owners, services or products offered by them.

In any event, LaLiga Entertainment disclaims all liability in relation to the services provided by such third parties for any claims of any nature and lawsuits which may be filed in relation to the same.

5. Intellectual and industrial property rights

All Game Content, unless otherwise indicated, is the exclusive property of LaLiga Entertainment, including, but not limited to, the graphic design, source code, logos, texts, graphics, illustrations, photographs and other elements which appear in the Game. Likewise, all trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained in the Game are protected by law.

LaLiga Entertainment does not grant any type of licence or authorisation for personal use to the User of its intellectual and industrial property rights or any other rights related to the Game and the services offered.

Therefore, the User acknowledges that the reproduction, distribution, commercialisation, transformation, and in general, any other form of exploitation, by any means, of all or part of the Game Content constitutes an infringement of the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of the company or of the owner of the same.

The User may only and exclusively use the Materials which appear in this Game or in the Game for his/her personal and private use, and it is forbidden to use them for commercial purposes or to engage in illegal activities.

Pursuant to the provisions of Articles 8 and 32.1, paragraph two, of the Intellectual Property Law, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including making available, of all or part of the Content of this Game, for commercial purposes, on any medium and by any technical means, without the authorisation of LaLiga Entertainment, are expressly prohibited. The User undertakes to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights owned by LaLiga Entertainment and any third party.

LaLiga Entertainment will ensure both compliance with the aforementioned Terms of Use and the proper use of the Content presented in the Game, exercising all the civil and criminal actions to which it is entitled in the event of infringement or non-compliance with these rights by the User.

6. Links

In the event that the Game contains links to other portals or websites not managed by LaLiga Entertainment, LaLiga Entertainment declares that it has no control over these portals or websites, and therefore accepts no responsibility whatsoever for the content, commercial activities, products and services included therein which may be viewed through these links, directly or indirectly, through this website, especially those which may correspond to added-value content for the user, such as leisure, entertainment, trivia, advice, etc. and to the websites of brands sponsored by LaLiga Entertainment.

The presence of links in the LaLiga Entertainment Game, unless expressly stated to the contrary, is for information purposes only and in no case may they be considered a suggestion, invitation, sponsorship, distribution or recommendation of the same.

These links do not represent any kind of relationship between LaLiga Entertainment and the individuals or companies which own the websites which can be accessed through these links, nor between LaLiga Entertainment and the centres or institutions sponsored by LaLiga Entertainment or with which it collaborates. LaLiga Entertainment reserves the right to unilaterally remove the links which appear in the Game at any time.

In any case, LaLiga Entertainment disclaims all liability in relation to the services provided by such third parties in respect of any claims of any nature and lawsuits which may be filed in relation to the same.

7. Helpdesk

The Game places at the disposal of all of its users a customer service department with the aim of managing any incidents which users may have relating to the Game, as well as reporting any issue, complaint or request relating to the Game’s services.

The Game’s support and back-up team can be contacted via email at info@laligaentertainment.com.

The information which we receive will be treated confidentially, and LaLiga Entertainment will have a reasonable amount of time to respond to user requests.

8. Amendments to the Terms of Use

LaLiga Entertainment may replace, at any time, for technical reasons or due to changes in the provision of the service or in regulations, as well as modifications which may derive from applicable standard codes or, where appropriate, due to strategic corporate decisions, the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy which, as the case may be, will replace, complement and/or modify the Game’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

When the Terms of Use or the Privacy Policy are replaced or modified, they will be published in the Game and/or will be notified through the same, and if the user continues to use the service, it will be understood that they have accepted the modifications introduced, unless it is necessary to request the user’s express acceptance or consent in accordance with the regulations applicable to the website, in which case the user will be asked for such acceptance or consent. In the event that the User does not agree with the modifications made, you may unsubscribe from the Game by following the procedure provided for this purpose.

The User is recommended to periodically consult the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, as they may undergo modifications, and the current version can be consulted in the section “Terms of Use of the Game”. The temporary validity of these Terms of Use coincides, therefore, with the time of their exposure until the moment in which they are totally or partially modified.

9. Right to make changes to the Game by LaLiga Entertainment

LaLiga Entertainment reserves the right to make, without prior notice, the modifications it deems appropriate to the Game, being able to change, delete or add the Content, Materials and services it provides, as well as the way in which they are presented or located.

In this regard, access, Content, Materials and/or services offered through the Game are, in principle, of indefinite duration, unless otherwise provided for in the Terms of Use or in the applicable legislation at any given time. However, the User accepts that LaLiga Entertainment may unilaterally terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any time without prior notice, the availability of the Game and/or any of the services, without the User being able to claim any compensation whatsoever. Upon such termination, the User must destroy any material obtained in respect of the Game in which the Game Materials and/or Game Content are offered, including all related software and documentation, as well as any copies, printouts and installations.

If the Game is cancelled or terminated, LaLiga Entertainment may permanently delete the information associated with your account, including your Content, from its servers, and LaLiga Entertainment shall have no obligation to return any Content to you.

10. Terms of use for international use

The Game governed by these Terms of Use is managed by LaLiga Entertainment, which operates in Spain, and the Content and Materials are available within the territorial scope of Spain. Although access to the Game may be available from outside Spain, given the inherent “non-territorial” nature of internet access, the User accepts that the Game is intended for use by any person or entity in any country or jurisdiction where such use is not contrary to local laws or regulations in force from time to time. Therefore, if any or all of the Contents and Materials or elements hosted in the Game are considered illegal in other countries, access to them and their use by the User is prohibited and, in the event that these occur, it will be exclusively under the responsibility of the User, who is obliged to comply with and observe the Laws applicable to these countries.

The use of the Game by the User within a particular country is at the User’s own risk. The User is also informed that some of the functionalities of the Game may not be available and/or work properly in all countries due to technical and/or legal limitations.

11. Privacy Policy

LaLiga Entertainment acts in full compliance with the obligations and guarantees established by current Data Protection regulations:

Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights.

Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

As well as any regulations which may be developed in the future. You can consult the complete Privacy Policy in its corresponding section.

12. Invalidity of provisions

If any provision of these Terms of Use is determined to be unlawful and/or unenforceable, the validity of the remainder of these Terms of Use shall not be affected. If any illegal or unenforceable provision would be legal or enforceable if part of it were deleted, that part shall be deemed deleted, and the remainder of such provision shall continue in effect.

13. Extinction

These Terms of Use will remain in effect until terminated by either you or us. You may terminate these Terms of Use at any time by ceasing to use the Game and destroying all material obtained from the Game, all related documentation and all copies and installations derived from the Game, whether made in accordance with these Terms of Use or not.

We may terminate these Terms of Use immediately in respect of you (including your access to the Game and any LaLiga Entertainment site) if you breach any of the terms or provisions of these Terms of Use. Upon termination, you must cease all use of the Game and destroy all material obtained from the Game and all copies thereof, whether made under these Terms of Use or not.

We have adopted and implemented a policy which provides for the termination, in appropriate circumstances, of the accounts of Users who repeatedly violate applicable intellectual property laws. Any fraudulent, insulting or otherwise illegal activity may be grounds for termination of your account, in our sole discretion, and may be reported to the appropriate authority.

The provisions of these Terms of Use which by their nature survive the termination of these Terms of Use shall survive such termination.

14. Miscellaneous

  • Force Majeure: LaLiga Entertainment shall have no liability to the User for any delay or non-delivery of the Content to the extent that such delay or non-delivery arises from causes beyond its reasonable control or that of any third party rights holder, including, but not limited to, failure of electronic or mechanical equipment or communication lines, the action of third parties (including denial of service attack and overuse or misuse of the Content), telephone or other interconnection problems, computer viruses, unauthorised access, theft, operator errors, fire, severe weather conditions, including floods, acts of God, acts or regulations of any regulatory, governmental or supranational authority, war, riots, labour disputes and the cancellation or postponement of any event.
  • Assignment: LaLiga Entertainment may transfer, sub-contract or otherwise deal with its rights and/or obligations under these Terms of Use without notifying or obtaining the User’s consent.

The User may not transfer, subcontract or otherwise deal with its rights and/or obligations under these Terms of Use.

  • Prevailing language: The Terms of Use may also be available to the User in English, Catalan and French. The User acknowledges and accepts that in the event of any discrepancy between the Spanish version and the other versions, the Spanish version shall prevail. 

The User also acknowledges and agrees that, if LaLiga Entertainment sends future modifications or communications in a different language to the one selected by the User, such future modifications or communications shall be valid, and in the case of modifications, shall have legal effect.

15. Applicable law and jurisdiction

The relations established between LaLiga Entertainment and the User shall be governed by the provisions of current legislation on applicable law and competent jurisdiction. However, in those cases in which the regulations provide for the possibility of the parties submitting to a jurisdiction, LaLiga Entertainment and the User, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction to which they may be entitled, will submit any disputes and/or litigation to the courts and tribunals of the city of Madrid.

If you have any questions you can write to us at:

June 2023

Copyright 2023 | All rights reserved.

LaLiga Entertainment, S.L. 


Address: Calle Torrelaguna 60, 28043 Madrid.

Tel.: +34 91 205 50 00 

Email: info@laligaentertainment.com